Chord Reaching
Chords are a huge part of the tools you learn how to use when you start playing guitar. Because you going to spend so much time playing chords, you need to develop good practices for placing your fingers on the fretboard. Most players learn by watching where your fingers go on each string and start with the index finger, then the middle finger and finally the ring and pinky fingers last. THIS method is backwards and you should be doing the exact opposite.
Try this - close your eyes. Now reach up to the lowest string with your ring finger. Feel each string and count them 6, 5, 4, 3, 2, 1... now go in reverse with just your ring finger. Once you've got a sense of the strings, please your ring finger in the 3 fret and close (make a note) the string. Repeat this on each string from lowest to highest and back again. This is reaching. You may have noticed that each time you closed the string, your middle and index fingers curled in behind the ring finger. Reaching makes making chord shapes easier. Get into the practice of reaching for fingers up the neck before placing your index and/or middle finger down.
Below is a quick video to show Chord Reaching.